91 Quotes About Amusing

  • Author Charlotte Brontë
  • Quote

    You think too much of your "toilette", Adele; but you may have a flower." I took a rose from a vase and fastened it in her sash. She sighed a sign of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full. I turned my face away to conceal a smile I could not suppress; there was something ludicrous as well as painful in the little Parisienne's earnest and innate devotion to matters of dress.

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  • Author Julie B. Campbell
  • Quote

    I led the men inside and though I was allowed to pass unscathed, both Sir Fhirell and Drudvis received a thorough scolding for stepping past the threshold in their boots. Both men obediently removed their footwear before going to wash up for the meal. I wasn’t sure why, but it warmed me to see this average-sized woman barking out orders to a giant and a Knight, only to have them both do as they were told without argument.

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  • Author Terry Pratchett
  • Quote

    Other people say: hold on, if he's carrying the entire universe in a sack, right, that means he's carrying himself and the sack inside the sack, because the universe contains everything. Including him. And the sack, of course. Which contains him and the sack already. As it were.To which the reply is: well?

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  • Author Rose Wynters
  • Quote

    Me too, Arch,” Jeremiah said. “I want an answer about my request to transfer. Even now, my balls are shrinking in anticipation of going back out in the cold. I said I'd give my life protecting humanity, but my balls were never in the bargain.

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