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  • Author Tite Kubo
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    Whats the difference between a king and his horse?I dont mean some kiddy shit like one has 4 legs and the other has 2, or ones a person and ones an animal. If their form, ability, and power is exactly the same, then why is it one becomes the king and controls the battle and the other one becomes the horse and carries the king? There's only one answer...INSTINCT!!!

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  • Author Deyth Banger
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    I still ask myself why did you watched the film Paranormal Activity the all parts or the film "The VIsit" 2015. Both were home made and not big deal even stupid, you even watch football + you play one game over and over and over, you play stupid games + you watch stupid stuff and after all you still ask yourself why you are stupid. The answer is somewhere here, search it!

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  • Author omar.eldeeb
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    كلما تتركنى فكما تترك روحى جسدى ،فأنا الأن بلا روح وأيضاً بلا جسد لا أشعر ببردٍ أو حر،فكأنى على أشواك ولا أشعر وكأنى نائم على لهب أحر من الجمر ولا أشعر ،يا كل الأقدار تحدى حدثى القادم فأنا متعطش لفرجٌ قريب ،فبجوابها تأخذنى إلى أعلى السماء وأنظر إلى الكون وكأنه طيف منعكسٌ على وجههاالمشرق الذى كم أتمنى أن يراودنى فى حلمٌ عميق لا أود الإستيقاظ منه ، .كم أنا عاشق

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