82 Quotes About Black-humor
- Author Neil Gaiman
Το ορκίζομαι", είπε η άλλη μητέρα. "Το ορκίζομαι στο μνήμα της ίδιας μου της μητέρας"."Έχει μνήμα;" ρώτησε η Κόραλαϊν."Ω,ναι" είπε η άλλη μητέρα. "Εγώ η ίδια την έβαλα μέσα. Κι όταν την πήρα χαμπάρι να προσπαθεί να βγει σκάβοντας με τα δάχτυλα, την ξανάβαλα".
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- Author Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
For the past ten days, I've had a migraine that follows me like a shadow. One hundred and forty-two hours of incessant pain, an eight on the ten-point scale. My doctor has suggested codeine, which I refused, because once I took too much Percocet after a tooth extraction and threw up for twenty-four hours straight. I have a CT scan, an MRI, I go to the neurologist—the readings are all inconclusive. I'm told it's a migraine with an unknown cause. Have you tried yoga? they say.
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- Author Cara Hoffman
What's wrong with you, Daniel? How can you laugh about these things?" And I'm like, 'Cause crying only gets you halfway there, duh.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
People are either silly asses, or ass*oles. Mostly, just silly ass*oles. Choose! Hard place, or hell hole!
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- Author Michael J. Sullivan
Less talk, more screaming.
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- Author Jennifer Crusie
Where were all the women gamblers? It wasn't as if being a woman wasn't a huge risk all by itself. Twenty-eight percent of female homocide victims were killed by husbands or lovers.Which, come to think of it, was probably why there weren't any women gamblers. Living with men was enough of a gamble.
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- Author Kim Harrison
That’s my girl,” she said, her eyes holding a shared pain as she saw my confusion. “Al, where are you going to put her? Not in your room. She’d pull a line through you and kill you when you hog the blankets. I’ll take the waif in. I promise I’ll bring this one up properly.
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- Author Sarah Rees Brennan
Also," Nick added curtly, "I'm sorry about your face."Jamie looked over his shoulder, and touched the demon's mark crawling along his jaw with the back of his hand. "Sorry about saving all our lives by doing something you had to do?""Oh no," Nick said blandly, "I just meant, you know. Generally."Jamie stared at him, shocked, and laughed. It was a real laugh, helpless and sweet, and Mae memorized it in case he died. Jamie by the river at dawn, laughing.
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- Author Kaine Andrews
C’mon, sweetness. You don’t have to run. I won’t hurt you.”A pause, as though he was contemplating.“Much.” he amended, punctuating this last with a high-pitched tittering laugh that seemed to settle at the base of her neck like a giant insect, making her grind her teeth.
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