480 Quotes About Boundaries
- Author Avijeet Das
My love for you does not recognize boundaries, distances, borders, or time-zones!
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- Author Gerald Mills
Keep in mind that it is one life we are given to live. One life in which we can create beautiful memories and dream, magnificent dreams. So create without boundaries, give life to your dreams; don't allow yourself to be dismayed by others or situations. Realize your own greatness, value yourself. Value the life given to you and hold fast to your own precious ideals and self worth.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
What I've discovered is that by keeping peace with those who hurt me, I had no peace. Rather, I was in turmoil. I suffered the aftermath of sexual violence. I am the one who has battled for my life.
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- Author Gina Greenlee
Honoring your own boundaries is the clearest message to others to honor them, too.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Forgiveness is not giving the other person permission to reoffend. However, if I don’t forgive, the person that I’ll be reoffending is myself.
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- Author Henry Cloud
If you do not forgive, you are demanding something your offender does not choose to give, even if it is only confession of what he did. This "ties" him to you and ruins boundaries. Let the dysfunctional family you came from go. Cut it loose, and you will be free.
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- Author Catherine Lacey
All your problems and all the answers to those problems exist in the boundaries of your body.
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- Author Manoj Arora
It is not about proving anything to the world. It is all about proving your capabilities to yourself and stretching your own boundaries.
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- Author Laura Davis
Few of us have a healthy sense of boundaries. We either have rigid boundaries (“No one is ever going to get close to me”) or weak boundaries (“I’ll be anything anyone wants me to be”). Rigid boundaries lead to distance and isolation; weak boundaries, to over-dependency and sometimes, further abuse. The ideal is to develop flexible boundaries, boundaries which can vary depending on the circumstances.
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