120 Quotes About Cuba

  • Author Wendy Guerra
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    Naître à Cuba a consisté à ressembler à cette absence du monde à laquelle nous nous soumettons. Je n'ai pas appris à utiliser une carte de crédit, les distributeurs automatiques ne me répondent pas. Une correspondance entre deux avions, d'un pays à l'autre, peut me faire perdre le contrôle, me disloquer, me couper le souffle. Dehors, je me sens en danger, dedans, je me sens confortablement prisonnière.

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  • Author Noah Hawley
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    I'm thirty-six years old and I've been married once and he left and I don't want to feel this way anymore. Like I can't be vulnerable. Can't relax. It's exhausting, always being on the defensive, keeping my guard up. I feel like Cuba.

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  • Author che guevara
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    So what must I say about the university's fundamental duty, its article number one, in this new Cuba? What I must say is that the university should color itself black and color itself mulatto-not just as regards students but also professors. It should paint itself the color of workers and peasants. It should paint itself the color of the people, because the university is the patrimony of no one but the people of Cuba.

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