47 Quotes About Meditation-practice

  • Author Gudjon Bergmann
  • Quote

    Meditation is a state, often defined as deep dreamless sleep awake. But, in the same way that you cannot sleep on demand, you cannot meditate on demand—that is, you can’t reach the state instantly in the same way that you can raise your right hand. The practices preceding meditation are relaxation, stillness and mental focus. Those are all things you can do. They are the preparation. Then, if you the circumstances are right, you can transition from the waking to the meditative state.

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  • Author Leland Lewis
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    Q. What is Meditation? How do I do it?A. Ultimate Meditation is not something one can "do". Instead it is a state of Spiritual Reality. It is Like Love, Ultimate Meditation is something you will fall in to.... Ultimate meditation can be understood as falling in Love with the Universe. Such Love can be carried always with the One who exists present in the Infinite Now. The Eternal Tao

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  • Author Gudjon Bergmann
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    Meditation should be on the same list as brushing your teeth, sleeping and eating. Meditation is an addition to your routine, not a final goal to accomplish. Once meditation is in your routine, then your mind will feel fuzzy if you don’t meditate, in the same way that your teeth feel fuzzy when you don’t brush.

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  • Author Gudjon Bergmann
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    In its purest form the term meditation means two things; (1) the state of meditation, which resembles deep dreamless sleep while awake, and, (2) the practices that lead to the state, usually a combination of relaxation and concentration techniques.

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