201 Quotes About Objectivity

  • Author Brett Stevens
  • Quote

    Nihilism conditions us to actualize ourselves. It denies nothing of the inherent meaning to existence, and does not create a false "objective" reality based on our perceptions of what we wish did exist. Instead, it charges us to choose what we wish existed, and to work toward making it occur in reality.

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  • Author David Smail
  • Quote

    Even for physical science, the ultimate test of whether or not something is true lies in the individual's experience, not in some objectified, dogmatic set of rules. The sensory experiences which are predictable from natural scientific 'laws' permit agreement between individuals because those individuals share very similar physical structures, are persuaded by the same kinds of logical reasoning, and operate with a similar set of values.

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  • Author David Smail
  • Quote

    Science is thus not the creation of some kind of mysterious contact with or insight into ultimate reality, but the upshot of our own very human, and even culturally local, interests, concerns, and values. I suspect, also, that we are ready to give particular weight and credence to the 'evidence of our senses' because it is not in our interests to deceive ourselves about its nature (although it is certainly possible to do so).

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  • Author Toba Beta
  • Quote

    Semakin bersedia seseorang untuk menilai sesuatu dari sudut pandang orang lain yang berbeda, maka semakin beragamlah perspektifnya terhadap sesuatu tersebut.Semakin beragam perspektifnya terhadap sesuatu tersebut, maka semakin dekatlah persepsinya dengan kebenaran utuh dan apa adanya akan sesuatu tersebut. Inilah proses pembentukan sikap objektif dalam diri manusia.

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