118 Quotes About Porn
- Author Clifford Thurlow
Porn is like sex without orgasm, compulsive without being satisfying.
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- Author Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Even the world’s greatest actor cannot fake an erection.
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- Author Antonella Gambotto-Burke
Women deformed by the pornographic sexual templateperceive other women as masturbatory objects.
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- Author Antonella Gambotto-Burke
I refuse to have my vagina photographed because I have nointerest in being desired on the basis of its appearance. It hastaken me decades to appreciate its power and beauty, and notmerely because it birthed a child. Responsive to tenderness andthe source of a luminous ecstasy, my vagina has enabled me totranscend an otherwise limited sense of self. I feel no need tomake it conform to another’s aesthetic or have it applauded bystrangers.
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- Author Antonella Gambotto-Burke
This, the “Vagina Effect”, is one of the saddest byproducts of pornography: to attract the attention of jaded males, female performers now feel they have to flash their vaginas – not too obviously, lest more orthodox fans be alienated, but 'accidentally' so as to sidestep disquieting accusations of vulgarity.
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- Author Philip Elliott
Most men think the most difficult part of being a porn star is having sex for so long without ejaculating. They’re right but for the wrong reason. It’s having sex for so long and then ejaculating that’s the problem. Porn becomes a job like any other pretty quick. Then it’s all about maintaining the erection and being ready to fire on command. It’s not easy, believe me.
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- Author Bill Maher
New Rule: The White House doesn't have to release the dead Bin Laden photos, but don't pretend we can't take it. We've seen pictures of Britney Spears's vagina getting out of a car. Television has desensitizes us to violence, and porn has desensitized us to people getting shot in the eye.
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- Author Lebo Grand
What most people are scared of isn't really sensuality, but an energy it's been transformed into or labeled as, which is called perversion.
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- Author Asa Akira
I don't have a type. I like any girl that likes me.
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