579 Quotes About Self-care
- Author Sharon Pearson
When you accept you have to rescue yourself, then you're adulting.
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- Author Sharon Pearson
Success is about handling the setbacks, problems and mess, over and over.
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- Author Nikki Rowe
Don't let hollow heroes distract you from saving yourself.
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- Author Melissa Steginus
Your well-being affects (and is affected by) those waves through small ripples of self-care and the decisions you make.
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- Author Peggi Speers
The phrase 'Love one another' is so wise. By loving one another, we invest in each other and in ourselves. Perhaps someday, when we need someone to care for us, it may not come from the person we expect, but from the person we least expect. It may be our sons or daughter-in-laws, our neighbors, friends, cousins, stepchildren, or stepparents whose love for us has assigned them to the honorable, yet dangerous position of caregiver.
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- Author Rachel Hartman
The body is innocent. Deeply, beautifully, fundamentally innocent.
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- Author Dana Arcuri
Our physical, emotional, and spiritual health requires rest. We need to take a break. We need to nurture ourselves. To take a time out to refuel, rejuvenate, and revive ourselves.
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- Author Emily Nagoski
Most of us have spent our whole lives being taught to believe everyone else's opinions about our bodies, rather than to believe what our own bodies are trying to tell us. For some of us, it's been so long since we listened to our bodies, we hardly know how to start understanding what they're trying to tell us, much less how to trust and believe what they're saying. To make matters worse, the more exhausted we are, the noisier the signal is, and the harder it is to hear the message.
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- Author Malebo Sephodi
Sometimes a moment of survival is about navigating between rage and joy.
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