968 Quotes About Cats

  • Author Neil Gaiman
  • Quote

    If the city was dreaming," he told me, "then the city is asleep. And I do not fear cities sleeping, stretched out unconscious around their rivers and estuaries, like cats in the moonlight. Sleeping cities are tame and harmless things.""What I fear," he said, "is that one day the cities will waken. That one day the cities will rise.

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  • Author Mehmet Murat ildan
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    You know why cats love to be by the side of windows? Because they value their freedom very much and they need an escape route in case they perceive a decrease in their freedom!

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  • Author Lucy Mangan
  • Quote

    When I later discovered that she (illustrator Faith Jaques) was a compulsive reader who loved to be alone and kept cats because they are the only pets that allow you to be both, my adoration of Jaques and her work could only increase.

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  • Author T.S. Eliot
  • Quote

    The Pekes and the Pollicles, everyone knows, Are proud and implacable, passionate foes;It is always the same, wherever one goes.And the Pugs and the Poms, although most people saythat they do not like fighting, will often displayEvery symptom of wanting to join in the fray.And theyBark bark bark bark bark barkUntil you can hear them all over the park.

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
  • Quote

    A cube or sphere has the characteristics of its form or shape, that is why one calls it a sphere or cube. Just as a cat is what we call a cat by its body type and physiology and its form delineates its interaction with its environment.

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  • Author Charles de Lint
  • Quote

    On a quiet day, when the wind was still, the creek could be heard all the way up to where the old beech stood. Under its branches, cats would come to dream and be dreamed. Black cats and calicos, white cats and marmalade ones, too. But they hadn't yet gathered on the day the orphan girl fell asleep among its roots, nestling in the weeds and long grass like the gangly, tousle-haired girl she was.Her name was Lillian.

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