30 Quotes About Mental-illness-stigma
- Author Jonathan Harnisch
I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life.
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- Author Yong Kang Chan
Telling a person who is depressed to have positive thoughts is the same as telling a sick person not to be sick. It doesn’t work.
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- Author Suzanne F. Kingsmill
Too often the mentally ill are marginalized as people who just can’t pull up their socks. If only it were that simple.
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- Author Carolyn Spring
And if we do speak out, we risk rejection and ridicule. I had a best friend once, the kind that you go shopping with and watch films with, the kind you go on holiday with and rescue when her car breaks down on the A1. Shortly after my diagnosis, I told her I had DID. I haven't seen her since. The stench and rankness of a socially unacceptable mental health disorder seems to have driven her away.
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- Author Patrick W. Corrigan
The stigma of mental illness is first and foremost a social justice issue!
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- Author Patrick W. Corrigan
self-stigma is not a person's fault; nor is it a part of the person's illness!If the public did not hold negative and stigmatizing attitudes in the first place, these would never have become internalized, causing people the painful and disabling experience of self-stigma.
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- Author Jonathan Harnisch
You can’t be beaten by something you laugh at.
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- Author Benjamin J. Sadock
Psychotropic drugs have also been organized according to structure (e.g., tricyclic), mechanism (e.g., monoamine, oxidase inhibitor [MAOI]), history (first generation, traditional), uniqueness (e.g., atypical), or indication (e.g., antidepressant). A further problem is that many drugs used to treat medical and neurological conditions are routinely used to treat psychiatric disorders.
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- Author Kelley Armstrong
Schizo. It didn't matter how many times Dr. Gill compared it to a disease or physical disability, it wasn't the same thing. It just wasn't. I had schizophrenia. If I saw two guys on the sidewalk, one in a wheelchair and one talking talking to himself, which would I rush to open a door for, and which would I cross the road to avoid?
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